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Electric Weather Mechanics

Also see Appendix 1 & 2 that follow on from this, 'Electroculture Gardening' & 'Pointy Things'

a contrail amongst the chem trails by phil-the-fish.jpg
heading for the Lizard by andy

This Document is also written with reference to the work of others from the Electric Universe community. So from a charged mater perspective as far as the weather goes. With it being put together after years of my own observations and thinking and which is taken from my existing knowledge of meteorology and both as a horticulturist gardener as well as being a Brit, and as many people know.

We in the UK seem to have a thing about the weather. With this being due apart from anything else, because of our history at being a seafaring nation and so, having to know about the weather.

After starting to learn from those in the Electric Universe theory community about the charged state of mater and the Electric Universe in general, late 2012. This was quickly incorporated into my existing knowledge and experience in life generally, under the Great British weather. As well as professionally, with my observations and working as a Horticulturist Gardener, and so working directly with Mother Nature at a very close distance.









I then looked for detailed evidence that created the power input from the sun and how it interacted with the earth and found​ I then passed this website onto Don Scott and who I obviously knew was working on his model of a Birkeland Current and who was at first looking for evidence across the cosmos, to support his work and the mathematical modelling of a Birkeland Current. 

The Power Input

estate gardener by phil-the-fish.webp

As we progress further into the 21st century, much of our scientific understanding of how our universe works, now needs a serious upgrade. With this also being true with our understanding of how and why the weather works the way it does. Both here on earth but also now, as we look to sail out through the solar system and even beyond into intergalactic space. With all the Terrestrial & Extraterrestrial Affairs that will then be addressed out there, as well as here on earth.


And especially when weather modification experiments are liberally carried out by different nations and each to their own agenda. With this being of course very dangerous, when they are using a wrong model of how the weather works to start with and so, make matters a whole lot worse due to it being an earth/sun electrical system that controls our weather.

So instead of the 'standard model' and which just has heat from the sun changing the air pressure on earth after travelling through the deep freeze of space. In this model we have the atmospheric Highs & Lows being the positive input and return electrical currents from the sun into the earth, moving through the atmosphere. With changes in temperature caused by the reaction of charged mater interacting with mater of a different charged potential.

The Met Office


Experimenting With A Guesswork Maths Model

So if we seriously do want to venture out and visit new worlds, then understanding how the universe works electrically will become absolutely necessary. And with Electric Weather Mechanics and for my part, I intend to establish the basic principles of weather mechanics from an electrical perspective, as I see the different circuits working individually as well as together as a whole. With it based on the natural interplay that happens between the sun's electrical output and then that electrical input energising the earth.

After a big solar storm hits the earth, what must be then looked out for. Is for that positive input to then re-emerge after about two to three weeks. With it then increasing strength of the earth's electric field, after the input has gone though the load (the earth) in the sun/earth circuit. With it then naturally increasing the intensity of atmospheric Highs, as the peaks in the negatively charged electromagnetic field. As well as increasing seismic activity, with it also releasing negatively charged lava flows.


With the increase in the field strength, then massively beefing up any storm events around the globe. As existing positive electrical inputs from the sun (atmospheric Lows), will then be mixing with the negative return current field.


If the earth then receives another positive blow from the sun at the same time as the returning current emerges, then any storm systems around the world will become quite significantly more energetic and destructive and this must be guarded against. With this being actually very likely, as the earth is now more negatively charged and so will attract new positive electrical charge from the sun.

But as well as the weather, what must also look to see how the sun affects the biological systems on earth as well as in space, as without this awareness, then problems will be looked for in the wrong place, with much time waisted in trying to guess at the reason and consequently, some way of possibly combating any health problems.

The Black Death

So without having a better knowledge of how our universe works electrically and with it opperating in circuits, it will be very dangerous when venturing further out into space. With people inventively getting sick both in the mind, as well as in the body. But once again and as we step outside of traditional scientific thought of main stream guesswork maths, the Natural Philosophers are once again well ahead of the curve. With our biological electrical systems already very well understood.


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Since originally writing Electric Weather Mechanics, many in the Electric Universe community have added their own understanding to the subject, as the electrical circuitry and nature of the earth and its biofield revels itself and so expands our total understanding of the charged nature of reality in general.


 The Charged Nature Of Our Reality

Making a massive profit from getting it wrong by mistake is one thing and bad enough. But when it isn't a mistake but fraud on an industrial scale. Then the deceit is so massive that it effects directly the consciousness of the whole biosphere. With Mother Nature naturally then getting more heavily involved to readdress balance.

When The Reality Of What Is Happening Really Hits Home

Things have to change, like they always have done



In the next little period of time, our total existence and its understanding will be about understanding electrical circuits and how they interact with the other electrical circuits that makes up our detectable universe. With this also then being no different than with the weather.


So, people will have to forget about thinking in reductionist materiel terms, with matter just randomly chasing about into other matter and as is thought to be the case in traditional weather mechanics. But instead, how the matter is electrically charged, plus the external electrical field the matter finds itself residing in. Be that positive, negative, or of a charge neutral state.


And so and to start with we go back to basics, with the realisation that because all atoms are made of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge), all atoms are then, actual electric fields (a separation of charge) within themselves and which the 'standard model' of guesswork maths derived from the era of gaslight, doesn't recognise as fact and so is in total denial. 


So as far as the weather, as well as everything else within earth's biofield is concerned, that there is a Voltage differential between the generally negatively charged earth and positively charged ionosphere, rising by about 100 Volts per meter up through the atmosphere. Plus, that charged particles in an electric field- accelerate and move in a spiral motion.


So and as far as the weather goes, this means that what we think of as the Atmospheric 'Highs' and 'Lows' are the major electrical currents running through our atmosphere, with the interaction between the currents creating our weather, as the currents flow through the different atmospheric layers that surround the earth.


With the 'Jet Stream' being charged atmospheric streams of particles that get accelerated in the magnetic filed in between the, atmospheric currents. So no, the Jet stream doesn't drive the Highs & Lows as guessed with the reductionist model. But instead, its the electrical currents that drive and move the Jet Stream. 

So now in the 21st century and the era of plasma physics and due to people being schooled to think from only the basis of the 'standard model' of guesswork maths and so from the era of gaslight. The modern empirical science of the 21st century is causing a real problem with conventional teaching. With those in control and rather than being honest, are actually desperate to try and keep people in the dark as to real physics and so, just to save their own reputations and incomes.

So the importance of the earth’s electromagnetic field cannot be overestimated, whether trying to understand the weather, or reality in general. With the even bigger shock being, that gravity is an electric effect and not something that just appears to pull to the centre of mass.

Although the rodents in the following clip are also affected by the strong magnetic field, it is the following experiment with the wood in the clip that shows that even though wood is dielectric. Through the water and container etc, the wood is connected to the earth and so has an overall negative charge. With the positive electrical input from the sun creating the drag on matter and so, with the return current making even wood being able to be moved with a strong enough outside magnetic field.

Pushing Wood


So it is the 'Lows' that are the positively charged input currents from the sun and the 'highs', being the peaks of the returning negative current field. With the 'Lows' (new positive inputs) having to drill their way through the negatively charged overall field radiating from the earth. With the earth and at a later date and after the new input charge has gone through the load in the circuit (the earth), then having to radiate more negative charge, in order to try once again, reach a state of charge equilibrium within the sun's electrical circuit.


An electric vacuum cleaner spins by way of an electric motor and it is its high spin rate that creates low air pressure and so making the cleaner suck and likewise, it’s not the Low pressure creating the movement through the atmosphere. But instead, its the spinning charge through the atmosphere that is creating the low pressure.

As the positively charged 'Lows' move down through the negatively charged water ladened atmosphere. With the electrically salty liquid having been lifted from the oceans. With it then pulling in the water vapor from the negative field, squeeze it together with the new positive input and short, within the spinning 'Low' and so then, produce semi-liquid (cloud) and if there is enough water vapor in the atmosphere, then fully condensed rain.






In the Southern hemisphere the major Birkeland Current input into the earth can center itself around the Antarctic land mass and ground through the electrically conductive saltwater of the sounding ocean. In the Northern hemisphere it has a broken landmass surrounding the North Pole, with it covered in a non-conductive icecap. And so not as electrically conductive and so, the minor Birkeland Current input into the earth.

In the North and due to the input current’s needing to ground and with the stronger electrical input into the earth coming up from the south (forming the earth’s magnetic field), Hurricanes and Typhoons and which are the new positive electrical inputs into the earth (from the sun and via the aurora), are attracted to and so form along the strong equatorial return current. With this being due to the non-conductive ice cap and broken landmasses in the North.

After forming and concentrating the input currents into deepening Lows, they then naturally want to head north towards the North Pole and where they can fully ground. As they are naturally travelling north and over salty water, they will attract and then lift the negative charge ladened water, due to the overall negative emanating charge coming from the earth and so create a storm surge, as the whole body of water is lifted towards the positive electrical input.  










The Bigger Picture

This consequently means that heat, air pressure etc are by-products of the interaction between the electrical currents and not the driver of our weather. This obviously goes against the 'Global Warming' agenda, with the climate changing being down to the changes in the electrical output from the sun.


I am writing a new piece on man's added influence to the naturally changing climate and which will be published here on this site in the not too distant future.

Outside of the earth/ionosphere circuit as well as the sun/earth circuit, we see magnetic fields throughout deep space and there is only one thing that makes magnetic fields and that is electricity. Even a permanent magnet has to have charge shot through the metal, so to align the atoms within the metal in a series configuration and so creating a magnetic pile and turning the metal, into a magnet.

As stated, within the earth/ionosphere circuit, the earth is negatively charged, and the ionosphere is positively charged and when the sun varies its electrical output, the earth (as with other bodies in the solar system) then has to adjust to these changes to balance itself within the sun/earth circuit. So, when a solar coronal hole stream or CME hits the earth, the ionosphere becomes more positively charged. With the connection point and increase in charge, being seen as the Aurora.


This then causes an imbalance within the earth circuit and so due the earth becoming unbalanced, the negative crustal region of the earth will attract positive charge down and so creating a need to radiate more negative charge back up through the atmospheric layers. With the charge having gone through the 'load' in the circuit, the plasma core of the earth.

When a body takes on big amounts of positive charge it will naturally increase its size, or it will explode. This expansion is so the positively charged body can try and attract and capture more electrons from its localised environment and so reach a charge equilibrium within its new and changed environment.



The negative response to an input into an nucleus can be seen on the smaller scale with the atmospheric layering with the Stella Atmospheric Function In Regulation Experiment (see further down), with it producing different atmospheric double layering within its atmosphere, depending on the electrical input.

Due to the earth’s atmosphere being moisture rich, the incoming and outgoing charge then interacts with the moisture. With this interaction changing the matter state of the moisture and which gives us our weather. With the earth’s negative return currents being responsible for the lifting of the moisture from the oceans.

So clouds don't hold water as such like some might think, charge does. With the clouds just being the outward expression of the water vapour as it changes. And which is mixed in with the other atmospheric gasses, and which condenses out of it.


And with more condensation (big clouds), it means that there is more H2O within the atmosphere, and which can turn to liquid, rather than just being semi-liquid, as with the clouds. 

As the water vapor becomes a semi liquid and which we see as a cloud, there is a separation of charge, with negative charge forming towards the base of the cloud (and so repelling it from the negatively charged earth and having to flatten out). With it, and if the cloud grows big enough, making a big electrical pile up through the atmosphere.

The Fourth Phase Of Water

But it is not just the weather that is effected by the electrical output from the sun, the whole biosphere is of course also involved as well.


And so when we take this on board, we begin to see that we live in a completely connected universe and not one that is isolated and separated, as described in the 'standard model'.

So as far as personal health and well being goes and within the earth's biofield, we must first get a truer grip on reality. With a totally connected universe showing us how the driving force of Electromagnetism changes all life, as well as the universe in general.




As it only by understanding the universe in a truer context, that we can work with it and plan for the future. Rather than just having to rely on knee-jerk guesswork financial-gain responses to what life unexpectedly throws at us.




So understanding how the different circuits function in a system is of great importance and especially now, with the weather going through such massive changes on earth. With vast quantities of liquid now being lifted from our oceans, before being dumped on us as rain, hail, sleet and snow. While other areas experience extreme drought.

With the traditional mainstream understanding of how our weather operates and because it is based from purely a mechanical view of the universally accepted 'standard model', mainstream weather forecasting and the understanding of its mechanics can only have heat changing air pressure in their modelling and so can only use fluid mechanics in their own thinking, as well as in their multi-million pound computers.


But variations of heat, air pressure, humidity etc are just the by-products of moving charge and so it is the moving charge and the changing of the matter state of the H2O molecule that is the driver of our weather and not heat. This is obviously contrary to the accepted model of how our weather and climate work.


But let us remind ourselves that both the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods were degrees hotter than the temperatures we are experiencing now. With the Vikings of the past even farming Greenland for hundreds of years and hence it getting the name it has.


Without doubt we have to clean up our act and produce energy in a sustainable manor and get away from health harming pollutants, but deception isn't the way to go about it.

When the climate gets warmer life flourishes and so the amount of CO2 produced by that life goes up. Then when the climate cools again, life dies back and so less CO2 is produced and so, CO2 follows heat and does not lead it.

The H2O molecule is different to any other substance known. This is because with any other solid and when it is heated, it will greatly expand its size, as it tends towards turning into a liquid.


With the heat making the atoms in an object bang about and loose electrons and so become positively charged. With it then needing to expand its surface area to try and grab electrons from the surrounding environment.


But with the H2O molecule, it is when it gets cold and turns to a solid, that it expands. With it expanding its size and so making the existing mass stretch out to the bigger size and so making it as an object less dense and so allowing it to float in the surrounding water.

With fluid mechanics it has different substances that can flow into each other with most of them happily mixing. But with electromagnetic mechanics, different charged air masses will get close but will actively try to avoid touching and when they are forced together, will spark.


This is because the electromagnetic force is attractive at  a great distance but repulsive at the short and so when they are forced together, they will create what we know of as the lines of convergence and if the charge differential is large enough and enough moister drawn in, then rain will fall.

Temperature is measured by the amount of movement molecules have. This means that what we know of as a our daily temperatures is ambient temperature only. And so how much movement there is in the atmosphere as a base line.

We also hear of 'wind chill' and 'hot winds' but this is actually 'charge chill' and 'charge warmth', as it is the moving charge through the atmosphere which creates the movement in the atmosphere and which is then measured as temperature.

Charge in itself doesn't have a temperature. It is its interactions with the atmosphere (or other molecules) that it is moving through, that does. With it changing the matter state of the H2O molecules mixed in with the other atmospheric gases.

This means that even if the ambient temperature at the earth's surface atmospheric layer is above freezing (ambient temperature), the charge chill at ground level can still produce large amounts of the white stuff on the ground.

What we regard as hot and cold is not of any relevance to us really, apart from making us choose what cloths to ware etc, as it is all relative (not Einstein). To an ice-cube one degree about zero is hot, as it is then forced to change its matter state and become liquid.

Due to main stream weather forecasting using the traditional way of thinking of how the weather works and seemingly not even knowing of the electrical component of weather and that it is being driven from the sun's electrical output, severe weather events often catch people out.

An electric vacuum cleaner spins by way of an electric motor and it is its high spin rate that creates low air pressure and so making the cleaner suck and likewise, it’s not the Low pressure creating the movement through the atmosphere. But instead, its the spinning charge through the atmosphere that is creating the low pressure.

The electrical charge in the atmosphere and between the earth and the ionosphere has a differential rising by about 100 Volts per metre from the ground up to the top of the atmosphere.

So even though what is commonly believed in standard meteorology goes completely against both common sense and the laws of physics and which both say that an external electrical environment must definitely have an affect on something that is fundamentally made up from different charge (the atom), main stream meteorology still chooses to ignore it at this time.

Even though main stream weather understanding seems to to be ignorant of electromagnetism working in weather mechanics, there are those who are now and have been for some time, experimenting with the extraction of these naturally occurring ions out of “thin air”, whereby they can be then used directly, or stored for later use.

This is not the ideal way of using the freely available charge in the Earth circuit though as it is a passive system and so can only collect what is available in the atmosphere at any given time and any given place.

Where as the brilliant Nikola Tesla was developing an active system and which employed a ground effect system of moving electrons up into and through the atmosphere.  But even with a passive system it does prove that the atmosphere is ram packed full of electrical charge and so can't be ignored.


When we consider that the electromagnetic force is 10^39 or, a 1000, billion, billion, billion, billion times more powerful than Newtonian gravity, or even as Einstein saw it, the bending of light by matter on a flat bit of rubber cloth, it doesn't take that much imagination to see how much the electromagnetic force must have on the weather.

Plus, when we also know that an atmosphere couldn't be held in place around a planet by just gravity alone, as it would quickly disperse into the near vacuum of space due to gravity being such an incredibly weak force, then there simply has to be more going on with atmospheric mechanics, rather than just heat from solar radiance, as originally assumed.

So from even a common sense point of view, we can easily see how important electrical charge and the understanding of it is going to be in our future understanding of the weather, both here on earth as well as out in the cosmos.

It is said that when we have the right amount of a Sun tan, we are in glowing health and this is due to getting just the right amount of charge exchange from the Sun directly.

But to keep on the right side of a healthy glow and in the process of keeping this exchange moving, it is most important that we are also able to stay grounded, so that negatively charged electrons can run up through and out from the bodies from the earth and up towards the sun, and so making ourselves grounded parts of the earth’s electrical circuit.

As not completing our own grounding circuit will mean that we will hold any excess positive charge in our bodies, due to electrons being drawn from our bodies and not from the earth, with this being detrimental to our health and overall well being.

So walking barefoot on a beach if we can and especially through the surf and which is electrically conductive salt water, is definitely the best thing to do.

But even generally and when not necessarily near or able to get to a beach we must also take steps to remove our flip-flops and other insulating footwear in our gardens and parkland, so we are able to let the charge flow through us and especially with the sun beating down. 

Therefore, grounding and moving electrons through the body is good and cleansing, where as charge just being drawn from the body is depleting and bad for us. 

The deterioration of surfaces, which includes our skin is usually just put down to the Ultra Violet part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, without going into the producer of the EM Spectrum, that of the moving electrical charge itself. So this again shows the short full in our existing knowledge as to how any weather effects may affect us here on earth, or out in the solar system and beyond.

So without being connected to the ground and especially when in direct sunlight, then a charge imbalance will build up, with this resulting in a deterioration of our skin and which if continued, may even expand into really really painful blisters.

This is because like any positively charged body, it will expand the surface area, as the body tries to grab electrons from the surrounding environment to make up any charge imbalance. With the surface creating heat as the surface vibrates to a bigger size.

Because these shorter wave length frequencies like UV are going into the ionising part of the EM Spectrum and with prolonged exposure to these shorter wave lengths of the spectrum, it will damage our skin and other surfaces and this is why it is called the ionising part of the spectrum.

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The frequencies of light that we do see and do not do damage to a surface are on the cusp between the ionising part of the spectrum and non ionising parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and are produced when the electromagnetic waves hit an object with the frequency being high enough to make the surface vibrate and radiate, but not vibrate enough as to do harm to a surface.

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So the part of the EM Spectrum in the ionising part of the spectrum will vibrate apart a surface, rather than just energising a surface to reflect that input. Below this thin range of visible light, a surface will not have enough energy to emit light once hit by the wave and so instead will hold and build up that energy input and turn it to heat and we see this as infrared.

Frequencies of the EM Spectrum below that of infrared will have frequencies that will not make any changes to a surface and so will travel through them, like radio waves.

With the Sun it is quite obvious when we have just the right amount of charge exchange, with it making most of us feel a whole lot better or a whole lot worse if not grounded, but why are we invigorated by the wind?

This is because all atmospheric wind is ionic in nature and so electrically driven and so this is why we can also feel exhilarated by the wind, as it is not the actual moving air that is making us feel good, but the stormy day with its negative electrical charge moving through the atmosphere and which is then being drawn through us. Where as we are normally wearing insulating footwear and so be, positively charged and unbalanced.

The air of course does move to a degree, but not as traditionally thought of and in the amounts that we would have been led to believe. Instead it is the electrical charge that is moving and it is this what we feel as the pressure of the wind, but it is an electrical pressure. 

If we stand in a stretch of water and we get pushed about by the wake from a passing boat, yes the water is moving up and down and a bit forward but it is the energy travelling through the water that is doing the pushing and not the water itself?

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    These are complete spheres of plasma (just like an onion) around the anode and not just discs

Once the SAFIRE Project (our little solar atmosphere here on earth) was fully up and running, it perfectly illustrated that an electrical input into a nucleus will create a layered atmosphere in the rarefied atmosphere around it, and although of massively higher power, perfectly illustrates the mechanism that is happening within the earth's atmosphere as well.

With a layering being clearly seen by the way clouds flatter out at the different atmospheric boundary levels. As well as it being seen that clouds can move in different directions, at different altitudes above our heads.

There are a few different people working to figure out an electrical model of weather mechanics and one of the differences between our different models is, which way the circuitry between the ionosphere and the ground runs through the atmosphere.

Most accept that the major currents are represented by atmospheric Lows as well as the Highs. But there is a difference of opinion as to whether the atmospheric ‘Lows’ are the down currents, with the ‘Highs’ being the returning current, or whether it is the other way around. But could it even be something a bit different from these first two models?

And the answer to this is yes to the last suggestion, once we take into account that Birkeland Currents (the movement of charge through open space), has charge moving in different directions within the same structure.

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A Birkeland Current's full structure was discovered by the retired Professor of electrical engineering Don Scott when he mathematically described them. And like Maxwell in the past, who mathematically described Faraday's practical experimentation and showed that visible light was part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, these are both perfect examples of how maths can be used to brilliant effect.

Where as during most of the twentieth century and into the twenty first, maths has been used generally to just describe guesswork and which has turned out to be, inevitably wrong. 

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A Rainbow is a single image of the sun's detracted edge and so, we are not actually just seeing the light from the sun, but the actual solar disc itself. So rather than rain drops acting individually, they become a three dimensional block of rain drops, and which then acts as a lens to create a single image and this is also why it lighter on the inside of the refraction line and darker on the outside.


Now with modern technology we can get a higher perspective and get the chance to see the whole of the sun, with its complete circular rainbow.

Air masses (the atmospheric Highs and Lows) are different to what forms along the lines of convergence between the differently charged air masses, such as storm clouds, super-cells and the like and their formation shouldn’t be confused with the air masses as a whole. As they are short circuits between the air masses and which are being forced together and then attracting concentrated negative charge from the ground.

But as with all things in nature it is all about finding a balance and so whether its different air masses, or a short between them, it will still be a matter of charge trying to find a balance within a localised circuit.

It is well established that clouds whether singular or when on mass, have charge (ionic winds) moving up and down through them and so shows that they are not solely negatively or positively charged but are in a state of charge separation to some extent.

Cloud bases are generally negatively charged, as is the earth and is why clouds flatten out and keep above our heads. A lightning bolt is a Birkeland current and so a circuit and not just a power dump in a single direction, like water down a plug hole. So the bolt is a function to balance negative charge but also be a mechanism to transport negative charge. With the negative charge generally being attracted up to the positively charged ionosphere. The positive charge input to create the Birkeland Current comes from the break down of the double layer of the cloud base.

Lightning doesn't rip air molecules apart, it ionises quickly and which creates a release of energy (electrons) of which some being in a frequency (vibration through the atmosphere), that we can hear.

With an atmospheric Low, the main positively charged input is coming down from the ionosphere to make contact with the ground, with it pulling in the negative charge from the surrounding atmosphere as it does so.

This is the same on the smaller scale when a funnel cloud forms and is reaching down to make contact with the ground. With it then if contact is made, forming a tornado or waterspout, with the returning current then lifting surface material.

On the larger scale and with a more powerful cyclone air mass, it will produce an eye with cold dry air moving down through the central eye to the earth's surface below from the upper layers of the atmosphere and so keeping it fulled. With it when over salty water, then lifting vast amounts of water vapour from the surface in the return current.

So the major winds in a weather system is moving charge and will accelerate when over the conductive salt water. With big hurricanes/typhoons forming and increasing in ferocity over the oceans but will greatly ease when the circuit encounters a land mass as the system equalises charge between itself and the ground.

Over big areas of land the air masses of low pressure are not able to lift extra moisture and so will be seen to weaken generally. Any big storms though that form from any convergence lines over land will then be boosted from above, with the moisture content of Jet Stream and upper levels of the atmosphere feeding these.

The lifting of moisture in a return current over water is what causes storm surges, as the whole negatively charged body of water is also dragged skywards, both in the returning current but also due to the sucking action of the spinning cyclone and just like a vacuum cleaner, the bigger the spin, the bigger the sucking action.


In a circuit the positive pole doesn’t move, its the negatively charged electrons that do. But a positive electrical explosion of charge does move towards a negative pole to create the circuit and with great force, as we see with the sun.

So the initial impulse to balance charge is from the positive pole as it makes contact with a negative pole and which then allows electrons to move in the now forged circuit and so a charge balance can be obtained between the two poles.

When there is an explosive positively charged event from the sun, as with a Coronal Mass Ejection, or getting hit by a strong Coronal Hole Stream (which is also an explosive event due to the suns magnetic field constricting the output radiation from the sun and so concentrating it into streams), the positive output very much beefs up our weather systems as it adds positive charge to the earth circuit and so will then attract a negative response from the earth and an acceleration of negative charge coming from the earth, as it is attracted to the increase in positive charge.

So the positive charge from the sun then becomes part of the earth’s circuit with the earth’s electrons movement compensating, as it adjusts to the change in the overall electrical field.

If the Down currents are Birkeland Currents with charge travelling in both directions, then what are the atmospheric Highs?

This is an overall radiation coming from the earth as an overall negative charge, with the input currents having to drill their way through the overall radiation and as they do so, pull in negative charge from the earth's radiation.

So even though it may seem that the atmospheric lows are just power dumps of charge coming up from the surface, it is the surrounding electrons being sucked in at ninety degrees to the input current as well as what is lifted in the return current and changing the matter state of the H2O molecule that is giving this illusion. 

Due to the input currents, the overall radiation from the earth is forced to also concentrate in order to radiate and due to being negatively charged, will also create currents of spinning charge and so form peaks in the radiation.

The charged stream from the sun gets channelled by our magnetosphere towards the earth's poles and where we then see the interaction of them with our atmosphere and where they are pinched together, due to them meeting a more dense matter state.

Due to being pinched, the discharge is more restricted and consequently has a higher charge density within that pinch. This changes the discharge from the sun from plasma Discharge Mode 1, Dark Mode (not seen in wave lengths visible to humans), into Plasma Discharge Mode 2, Glow Mode and which we can seen and which we see commonly as the aurora.

Plasma Discharge Mode 3 is Arc Mode and can be seen as a lightning strike or a static discharge from door handle and which are both Birkeland Currents. Or indeed as the whole photosphere of a star, with the granulation being the tops of individual anode tufts which are interacting with the star's atmosphere (negative charge) to produce light and become neutral atoms.

We are always taught in the 'standard model' that magnetism has lines of force but this is not true. With the lines only there as a way of describing what is happening with the field. So they are just like the isobar lines on a weather map which only gives an indication of the changing air pressures in the atmosphere, but are not actually there in the sky.

And this is the same with the earth’s magnetosphere, as it is not made of individual lines but is an encompassing Birkeland current coming from the sun and which split to form the auroral rings we see at both the north and south poles.

Birkeland Currents will most always be, either a pair of currents moving together as one, or even with more than a pair running together, with them spiralling around each other as they are attracted to each other at a great distance but keep apart at the short, as is the law of electromagnetism.

On the smaller scale the different combined filaments can be seen to split when encountering denser matter, like with novelty plasma balls and when the currents hit the inside shell of the ball.

When the currents hit a sphere from the outside like with the earth and which has a magnetic field, the currents will split to either pole of the sphere. 

Because we have currents going to both poles, in my reckoning this means that the earth doesn't have a single torus field around the whole planet but instead, has a double torus with one over each hemisphere. This would be the same as Don Scott's electric sun model but with less power.


So each would have doughnut holes being stretched from the poles (what we see and call the Northern and Southern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis) and around the earth’s outer atmosphere to the equator. With at times of very big solar activity, the aurora being stretching down and towards the equator.

As the input currents at the South Pole pass through the salty oceans to the earth's surface below, it creates the ocean currents and this can be seen vividly around the continental land mass of Antarctica.

In the north we have a broken mix of low conducting ice, conductive salty ocean water and land mass and so the weather patterns are a lot more disrupted and so are more dynamic.

As we have electrical currents into both poles, it creates two equatorial ring currents and which can be clearly seen as the two equatorial ocean currents run in opposite directions at the equator.



It is also traditional taught that the Atlantic Gulf Stream is driven by heat from the Gulf but once again this is wrong as they also electrical currents and which are emanating from the northern equatorial ring current. With this also being seen by the Gulf's counterpart running on the other side of the planet in a stream that runs up and past the Asian land mass and Japan.

Each layer of the atmosphere should be treated individually as an encompassing cell, like with the layers of an onion or indeed SAFIRE. But with a build up of charge running through the atmospheric layers, it can make clouds appear to be single objects, what ever their size.

So even the big and high reaching clouds are not singular as such, but instead are an electrical pile of clouds going up through the different atmospheric layers. With different layers also clearly being seen as different layers flatten out.

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The layering of the atmosphere is not constant in width and can vary depending localised conditions on the earth as well as atmospheric compression events happening due to positively charged solar eruptions.

But even when charge is flying up and down though a storm cloud and crossing through the individual layers but seemingly looking like it might be a single formation, the layering will still be there, with the charge being accelerated across the double layers.

Charge hitting a planetary surface can be replicated here on earth and was first demonstrated in a series of different experiments by Kristian Birkeland (after who the currents were named).

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Although implied in the following video that putting a bar magnet in the planetary object was a more recent development, the originator of this experiment Kristian Birkeland also done this as one of his many experiments with charged spheres.


With the earth and unlike a planeterrella, where the charge coming into and out of the planet has a nice smooth metal surface in a rarefied gas environment, the earth has an atmosphere full of different gases as well as H2O and a surface of broken land masses and water.

Although at the North Pole there isn't a single landmass for the now atmospheric Birkeland Currents to centre around like with Antarctica in the south, the different areas of atmospheric pressure as rings around the planet can still be clearly seen. With the dark being the ring of the main input/output  currents, with the rings of white within the overall radiation, being the returning radiation.


But how can clouds after they form then hold so much water to produce showers and bigger rain events, whether in the liquid or solid state and of course they don't as such, as the clouds are acting as conduits for the condensing H2O that is coming down from higher in the atmospheric layers, or being fed from below by ocean water.

Storm fronts are made from colliding air masses as previously stated, with the release of charge needing to go somewhere, or do something and some of that something is to change the H2O molecules and because it is going down an energy level from a pure vapour state and will become semi vapour or even semi solid (cloud).

This process of a gas/vapour becoming liquid can be seen more easily though when looked at the other way around.

So if we start with solid water ice and then add energy it, it becomes a liquid as the molecules have to move around faster due to the input of energy. If we then add more energy to the liquid it will become a gas with the molecules moving around even faster.

If we then add even more energy to the gas, the atoms will be moving to such a high frequency that some of the electrons will start to break free from the nucleus, with the gas then becoming a conductive plasma, due to the free flowing electrons and positive ions.

And so by reversing this process the different matter states must loose energy in order to drop to a lower matter state and it this that produces the localised ionic wind gusts as the water vapour becomes liquid, or even as a solid as in hail.

So rain and hail are made by energy on the water molecule being lost, with that released energy then adding to the larger electrical energy that makes up the weather systems as a whole.

As a child and while growing into manhood, I often noticed that a big clap of thunder above me would mean that I had to find cover quickly and within about 10 seconds, or I would get completely soaked. With this vividly showing me that there was a connecting mechanism between the change of matter state of a cloud's moisture content and a release of electrical charge.

With hail rather than rain, it is the H2O molecule going from a vapour state and turning to solid very quickly and so there is a double release of charge being produced, as it quickly goes from a vapour through liquid and into a solid.

When these events are very extreme, the rapid changes of matter state and whether to liquid or to solid, are called micro-bursts and rain/hail bombs. These often also occur with lighting strikes as charge is being released. But even if not accompanied by lightning, there are always big winds as this is the main release of energy from the changing of the H2O matter state.

Inside the cloud there is a vertical column of negatively and positively charged cloud within the generally negatively charged cloud, an internal Birkeland Current. After taking up negative charge either from a higher concentration of negatively charged ocean/ground (like from pointy mountains), the cloud then passes over the ground of less overall charge.


Then when the cloud passes over a different terrain of lesser charge, it is then charge heavy for the environment it is travelling over and releases the charge by changing the internal column to liquid, by taking charge from the H2O and lowering its energy level. With the release of energy being the associated wind. Quite often this very sudden change of matter state is preempted by lighting. as the column tightens and shorts out within the cloud.


When cloud forms they become mainly negatively charged due to changing their matter state.  But then undergo a separation of charge due to the atmosphere having layers and if large enough areas of moisture are present in the atmosphere, will start to create an electrical pile, with lots of ionic wind circulating inside, as the moisture changes back and forth between the different matter states within the cloud.

Due to them forming in the atmospheric layers and which are weak plasma double layers, they will be effected the same and will separate their own charge value into what is now described as the 4th Phase of Water.

With positive charge at the top of the cloud layer and due to cloud bases being negatively charged, will be repulsed by the negatively charged earth and so will flatten out at the boundary of the earth contact atmospheric layer.

Convergence lines (the rubbing between water laden air masses of different charge) creates lines of clouds that bubble up and spark as the earth's negative charge and which would normally be radiating as a spread out mass, reaches towards the positively charged ionosphere.

As the sun sets the direct positive charge exchange from it diminishes and this allows negative charge to flow up to lines of convergence where the storms spark up with ease. Excess positive charge via the solar wind and CMEs will beef up the storm systems from above and so attract even more concentrated currents of negative charge from the earth.


Plasma has this natural protection mechanism against other plasma around it and can be seen on the bigger scale as how the negatively charged heliopause protects the solar system from the galactic plasma that our sun and solar system travels through and so keeps itself intact. 

Prof Gerald Pollack through his experimentation showed that light (the electromagnetic spectrum) altered water's structure to a forth state and so creates these double layers, with this being the case with even our own cells in our bodies and so once again shows the fractal nature of electrical charge working through matter.


Because clouds are generally negatively charged, due to energy on the water molecule being lost as it drops to a lower energy state, they will then attract more water vapour from above (if there is enough in upper atmospheric levels, like with the Jet Stream) as the water vapour above is positively charged in comparison and the negatively charged cloud and which then needs to electrically balance.

Then as the charged water vapour is drawn down through the explosive mechanism of trying to contact the negative ground, it will then start to give charge to the cloud and so because it is giving up charge, will become rain and hail with the now released energy being felt as the gusts of wind.

When storm clouds pass over lines of highly negatively charged currents in the earth, they will start to attract the change in the water vapour from above on mass and so a weather system will increase in size and volume and this is why storm systems can be seen evolving very quickly and from a static point. With them only then starting to slowly move over the land as they stick to these highly charged ground currents.


As already stated, standard meteorology due to using only fluid mechanics can only have temperature moving the atmosphere around. But recently and after just the data from a big storm system was input into a super computer and without any preconceived ideas as to what was happening (fluid mechanics), it showed that the wrong type of temperature seemed to be doing the driving in the system.

With it being the cold instead of the hot pushing air columns up. This left them scratching their heads as rising heat is supposed to drive weather patterns and not rising cold.

But when seen as negative charge heading from the ground towards the positive ionosphere through the conduit of the cloud and as it does so, affecting the matter state of the H2O molecule, it then makes a lot more sense.


Waterspouts are just the same as tornadoes and dust devils, with the earth through Birkeland Currents balancing charge between the ground and the atmospheric layers above. But because they form over coastal margins, it shows that they are attracted to a sea or ocean shelf sticking out from a land mass and just below the surface of the salty and so electrically conductive water.

But it is important to realise that Birkeland Current plasma discharges can go two ways and so are actual circuits and so a mechanisms to balance charge and not just be power dumps in a single direction. This is why we sometimes see ground to cloud lightning, as well as cloud to cloud and cloud to ground.

Once formed, waterspouts are more often than not seen near and even heading towards the coast and once there, can start to fully discharge and so weaken. Or if there is still a charge imbalance between the cloud and the earth, can even become a land tornado.

The waterspout that unusually formed in the middle of Amsterdam in August 2019 is a fine example of why a waterspout, lightning strikes or even a dust devil on mars are all Birkeland Currents exchanging charge between the ground and upper atmospheric layers, with their differences only being the power density in the discharge.

When the power density in a Birkeland Current discharge is low, the associated magnetic field produced by the moving current will be in Plasma Discharge Mode 1 and so not seen except for any ground debris being moved around.

But as the power density in the discharge goes up the increase in moving charge creates bigger associated magnetic fields and so tightens the Birkeland current to PDM 2, with some tighter twisters being seen to glow.

Then when the current density is very strong, the magnetic fields produced, will be so restrictive that the Birkeland Current will discharge in PDM 3 and we then see a very bright arc.

Amsterdam is an inland port near the coast and as such has salt water running through it and the waterspout that formed there and then run through the dock area has salty water just above the earth's surface. But this alone is not what caused the unusual event.

The forming funnel cloud was first attracted to some large and temporary earthing rods and under more intense electrical conditions, would have caused a lightning bolt to hit one of them and so connect the earth and the storm cloud above to exchange charge. 

So even though the moving waterspout was a low power density Birkeland Current (Plasma Discharge Mode 1), once the connection was made to the earthing rods (the tower cranes), the charge exchange between the ground and the cloud could then happen fully, with the waterspout/tornado then fizzling out.


Because electricity and the way it functions is fractal like in nature and so operates the same over many orders of magnitude, it is understanding the power that really important as its this that does any damage.

With electrical charge and to gauge its power we use Watts and which is the Voltage times the Amps and it is the combination of them that is the indication of the power within a moving current.

This is why a static shock and which can be upto 35,000 Volts but has only miliamps will make you go ouch. But a car battery and which is only 12 Volts but has 50 Amps can kill you, as it is the combination of the two that is important.

Voltage is the pressure of electrical movement and so by increasing the pressure of that moving charge though any other mechanisms, it will naturally increase the Voltage and so the Wattage and so, do a lot more damage.

With this being why a vortex of spinning air can do so much destruction as the spinning charge can then move around objects around with much force and even lift them off the ground in the returning current of a tornado. 

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Lichtenberg Figures are normal electrical discharge formations through a surface

In the past and when the earth was going through massive changes in is electrical and physical development, instead of just waterspouts hitting a coast, the discharges would have been super lightning bolts (or the Thunderbolts of the Gods as they were called in the ancient texts) and which would after striking near the coast would then travel through the land's and so create the river systems we see today.

Due to existing meteorology thinking and that says that it is just heat driving our weather systems, then when the unexpected does happen, like the super computers showing that its cold currents that drive tornadoes and not hot, then it will naturally leave standard meteorology grasping for answers when unexpected events happen.

With this being the case in the UK back in 1987 and when we experience a non-hurricane event, but of hurricane strength. 

So as the tornado computer simulation vividly showed, it doesn't matter how much one spends on super computers, if the wrong mechanics has first been input into a computer, then it stands to reason that the output from the model will also be wildly off.

A fine example of using fluid mechanics in meteorology and so not comprehending what was happening was with the hurricane force storm that hit the south of the UK back in the late eighties.

Even though the storm that swept through southern England was of hurricane strength, left massive amounts of destruction, deaths and looked exactly the same as a hurricane, according to the accepted wisdom of main stream meteorology, the reason it wasn't a hurricane was because hurricanes can only form due to heat from the tropics and of course the UK isn't anywhere near the tropics.


But now as we are venturing out to other solar system bodies and with much renewed vigour due to private investment, it is essential that a correct understanding of planetary and atmospheric electrical mechanics is taken on board.

As it going to be absolutely essential for knowing when extreme events are going to likely take place and so safeguard any adventures leaving the confines of earth.


On mars there is hardly any atmosphere and hardly any water vapour within it and so electrical charge exchanges are direct from the planet's ionosphere and straight to ground and not via any massive cloud systems, or too definable atmospheric layering.

So at the point of contact with mars, the charge exchange (martian dust devil) can be seen to pinch due to discharge hitting a denser material and so increase the current density at that point and so, go from Plasma Discharge Mode 1 (Dark Mode) to Plasma Discharge Mode 2 (glow mode). Or even Arc Mode 3, if the charge exchange is powerful enough.

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Once you start looking at weather from an electrical perspective, then other parameters come into play like electrical cycles, with any natural changes in the climatic conditions we experience being clearly seen. But then that being added to  by any of man's numerous activities. So the questions of global warming, global cooling or just climate change comes to mind.

There is obviously no doubt that the climate does change and has done so many time in the past. But is it just totally chaotic, or is there some sort of pattern to it?

In the past during warmer times than today we even had the Vikings farming Greenland for hundreds of years and which is now covered in ice and snow. We also had vineyards in Britain on the Scottish boarders during the Roman Warm period. Plus during the Medieval Warm Period we had all the massive Gothic Cathedrals being constructed. With these times being about three degrees hotter than we experience today.

Plus when we know that on a yearly basis that Termites on their own produce ten times the amount of CO2 than humans do, then we have to ask what all fuss is about regarding global warming?

Certainly a lot of our energy production methods and especially in the past are extremely polluting and so is very bad for our health and the biosphere in general and so we definitely need to clean up our act and as quickly as possible.


But blaming it on an inert gas is simply wrong and in many ways a red herring as to other dangerous factors being undertaken by humans and which are adding to a natural change.

So to start to see why our weather is now being so extreme we must start with the electrical cycles and then go from there as to what impact humans are also having on our weather.


When it is warmer animal life flourishes and so CO2 levels will naturally go up. Then when it gets colder life naturally dies back and so CO2 levels drop back. This means that CO2 follows temperature, it doesn't lead it.

During more recent times and since the sixteen hundreds we have had the sunspot numbers to look at and where we can see a direct correlation between the number of sunspots (electrical  activity on the sun) and the temperatures we then experience here on earth.


During the sixteen hundreds and into the seventeenth there was a cooling in the earth's temperatures and is known as the Maunder Minimum. But even in these much colder times it didn't mean that there was a complete freeze up. As there were still places that were unseasonably warm and even regarded as hot, with one of these being Alaska.

In Europe though we had for periods in our winter months, where most all of the rivers and canals in Northern Europe freeze over, and due to the type of London Bridge we had over the Thames at that time with loads of arches and so restricting the river's flow, Frost Fairs on the Thames. 

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This was also the times where the populations in Europe and especially in northern Europe were asking why God was causing such misery and why in Britain, the civil war happened, with Protestant Oliver Cromwell taking control of Parliament and lopping off the head of Charles the First who was a Catholic.


With other opportunists like Mathew Hopkins (the Witch Finder General) managing for a while to make a living with his style of religious cleansing. Luckily these days we are a little more enlightened and especially in the Electric Universe community, where all we really care about is scientific proof and where ever that leads us.

The leading meteorologist on the prediction side of weather mechanics is fellow Brit Piers Corbyn and who has been using sun cycles for many decades and to brilliant effect with his predictions and as such, is a much valued associate of the Electric Universe community

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So as we are now going into the next Grand Solar Minimum and which has already been named the Eddy Minimum, how much is man making matters worse, if it isn't CO2? Well the uncomfortable answer is the added effects of the experimentation in trying to manipulate the weather through what is now called Geoengineering.

As a kid and when travelling in a car/bus/train etc on a sunny day I noticed that even though I could feel the heat from the sun through the window, when I touched the glass, it was really cold cool. After thinking about it from an electrical perspective, what is happening is. The sun charges the glass and pulls electrons from it. Once fully charged the glass then pulls electrons from what's on the other side of it. Conclusion heat is the movement/loss of electrons.

So the big problem is because main stream meteorology as well as governments are totally unaware of the electrical nature of our weather at this time and so still think that heat is the main driver, they actually surmise that putting artificial substances into the atmosphere is a good thing, where as in fact it is making matters a whole lot worse by altering the way charge moves through it.

As a kid



This is because from an electrical weather perspective, putting metal particulates in an electrically dynamic atmosphere will just accelerate charge through the atmosphere and so will increase wind speed (pressure equals voltage) and so will as increasing its destructive nature. It will also artificially change the nature of the matter state of the H2O molecules and so in the return currents will lift more, due to the acceleration of the moving charge.

This means now that vast amounts more water is being lifted from the oceans and which then will be dumped back down on us as rain, hail, sleet and snow and which we are now seeing in abundance.

The problem though is not just with governments who are fighting over the control of our weather, but also all the private corporations that are also now getting in on the act and so making it a complete free for all and so making the weather increasingly chaotic.


As such and as I have been saying for quite a few years now, I am calling for a complete world wide moratorium on the use of such technologies, so we negate the harm already being done and to establish exactly where the next Grand Solar Minimum is going to take us, so we can then start planning for our future and the changes that are coming.

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So now as we continue to venture out into space with us looking to mine asteroids, colonise the moon as well as mars, it is going to be of vital importance to know the true nature of planetary atmospheric mechanics, with this beginning with the earth and so also not messing around with her, as we are doing at the moment.



Let's not make matters a whole lot worse

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