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Pointy Things

A Second Appendix to ‘Electric Weather Mechanics’

(also see ‘Electroculture Gardening’ on this site for the first)


Has Man’s CO2 Production Added To A Naturally Changing Climate?

The problem with modern pronouncements about global warming being the main cause of climate change, is the lack of extended data to back up the claim.

With this being due to a lack of temperature recording devices world-wide and where they are located. Plus, that the reliable thermometer being only invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714. Plus, with satellite data obviously only being available a lot more recently than that.

And of course, with the earth’s temperatures not in any way being constant in the past.

But with the climate scientists limited datasets, a few having made an absolute heap load of dosh through so called ‘global warming’ and with it. Even going on jet planes to go off around the world and have some Jollies with their other climate change mates.


With the term global warming even more disturbingly, being used to cover up weather modification programs and what has very much looked like over the decades, even weather warfare between different nations.

With the lack of actual long-term temperature data also encouraging some rather under-hand methods to be being used. So, to keep their predictions looking viable and in-line with the funding needed to keep the guesswork going and the Jollies coming.

Under any normal circumstances, when the climate gets warmer life will flourish, with more CO2 being produced. Then when it gets cooler again, life dies back and less CO2 is produced. This means that CO2 production would normally follow temperature and not lead it.

So, the question should be.

Is man making a natural change worse, through manmade activities and should we then be worrying about another gas?

And the answer is yes, but not as first guessed at and also by those who then get paid to just spout a narrative. With this actually being a perfect example of the massive problems in the sciences and education in general. As the guess for money mentality rules human thinking now and so is a leach on conscious thought, and is total bollocks really.

Obviously, it’s a lot healthier to breath clean air and we must aim without doubt, for a clean planet. But due to the discussion being railroaded along pointless lines as far as the health of the planet and its biofield are concerned, we are getting nowhere fast and actually solving nothing.

With the insistence on guessing first and getting it wrong meaning that any real known problems, are being pushed to the sidelines and in favour of a quick and continuing profit-making agenda.

So the problem then being, that the wrong gas was being told to be looked to, to try and find a solution to a natural change. As well as how man’s involvement in the environment making that change worse.

With it in the future being a real problem to food production and so the growing need for Electroculture to be developed (also see on the website), as a way to naturally increase food production yields. And by simply using the natural electrical field of the earth for increased plant development.

Cities naturally become heat sinks and so can’t then be reliable places to take measurements from, for the landmass as a whole and outside of the heat sinks. But this is exactly where a lot of data is taken from, for their so-called truths of global warming.

So, could simply using the term ‘global warming’ and making a really good living out of that term, actually be described as being fraudster-like behaviour, but on an industrial scale? And I say yes and this should be looked at, and seriously.


So, if CO2 isn’t responsible for cities becoming heat sinks and so not being caused by the concentrated production of the gas coming out of cars, buildings and elsewhere, then what? Well, it’s the actual structures of the cities themselves.

With them naturally concentrating moving negative electrical charge from the earth towards the ionosphere. With this and due to their concentrations, then creating the localised heat sinks.

As a charged mass interacting with a mass of different charge potential, will change the temperature (to an ice-cube one degree above freezing is hot), as the two masses of different charge try to reach a state of charge equilibrium and energy is released in the form of a change in temperature.

This means that simply turning off Cities and Towns as some might suggest isn’t necessary. With-it chocking commerce and life generally. And doing absolutely nothing to stop concentrated negative charge rising from the ground.

As it is the buildings themselves that are concentrating and the conducting negative charge towards the positively charged ionosphere. With one great humans in the past Nikola Tesla, actually developing technology based on this. But then being stopped from making ground breaking technology for the masses and so threatening to stop just the few making obscenely massive profits for themselves. With us also and as a consequence making the atmosphere really polluted and now very troublesome.

Obviously, it is most necessary for personal and the earth’s health to stop polluting the planet and so, the right new technologies must be encouraged and be allowed to grow. With the old guard and who want to slow it down for personal profit, being retired from influencing the Universal Mind, one way or another.

So going green this time around has to be done the right way and for the right reasons and not just so a few people can make an absolute ton of money from it and so, just keeping their money-making status quo going. ‘Probably’.






So, if not the production of CO2 through the burning of fossil fuels being the problem and only making the atmosphere dirty and which is bad enough. Then why has the Universal Mind through Mother Nature (Father God- Input Current & Mother Nature- Return Current) and through different entities, human and otherwise. Keep banging on about how man’s direction must change their ways and in spite of the lame stream’s predictions being pretty much, total crap?

This is because of people like Al Gore’s so-called scientists, preferring to use the ‘Fudging For Funding’ method in the sciences, when trying to respond to what was needed. With it of course failing miserably but with them all still getting to keep all the money.

If a legitimate business operated like the sciences and education generally, then it would quickly go bust. Rather than getting tons of money for absolutely nothing, continually. With that mindset then, naturally corrupting the generations that follow.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see that there something seriously amiss with the present way of going about things?

So, this is where the biosphere is finding itself at the now

Of course, and from an ‘Electric Weather Mechanics’ perspective, this leads to the charged nature of mater and how any change in the electrical sun’s output affects what man is doing with the environment. Both in how the species alters the environment but also, how it is led to think by the Powers That Be.

Knowledge must be absorbed in steps, or and as David Bowey put it, an entities mind will be blown. After all, our consciousness somehow operates by way of electrical impulses and which runs through unconscious grey-mater made of atoms that have a separation of electrical charge and so each, an electromagnetic field within itself.

So and just like electricity increases in voltage goes through steps. Consciousnesses must also be comprehend knowledge in steps, due to thinking by way of electrical charge. With a lot going on now that needs to be taken on board and assimilated into a conscious whole and so within a more conscious mind.

Due to the times we are now going through, this will now have to be an accelerated process.


With the steps becoming compressed and just like electrical charge running through the atmosphere over pointy things. Due to those that control normal people’s lives having messed up, for mass personal profit and a fuck the rest mentality.


An Electrical Stepped Potential

An example of the earth’s atmospheric electrical stepped potential is being repeatedly produced at will in the lab, by the Stella Atmospheric Function In Regulation Experiment but with more concentrated power and so like a star rather than a planet.

But rather more vividly. Due to it having more power proportioned to that scale and size. And so is and as designed, actually replicating a solar atmosphere, as well as it showing a planetary atmosphere. So yes, the earth’s atmosphere is actually a weak plasma and not just a combination and mix of gases.


The SAFIRE Project

With the SAFIRE Project clearly showing the stepped potential and with the results produced even being orders of magnitude larger and so better than expected. With this being due to having to use computational fluid mechanics to predict what would happen. But with those prediction being way, way off. As dealing with electrically conductive plasma is very different to simple dealing with gasses and liquids. And it is the same with a planetary atmosphere through a reducing stepped potential.

With SAFIRE clearly showing that the traditional maths used, didn’t in any way cut the mustard and by a very long chalk. With completely new maths being needed to be written, as to what was actually being observed by the empirical science experiment.

This was clearly shown to be the case, as a tungsten probe being used to record the temperature in the SAFIRE chamber, suddenly vaporised in far less than a blink of the eye. With this being the result of the probe’s length being pushed across SAFIRE’s atmospheric stepped potential and so showing the latent power within an energised plasma state.

But also, the dangers of shorting across and so collapsing double layers unintentionally. With the tungsten probe being used vaporising with just the power of a strong light bulb at 182.4 Watts DC.

So, in our modern days of plasma physics, we are clearly seeing that standard computational fluid mechanics isn’t in anyway near sufficient with 21st century electro-energised thinking and with Jollies for just the few being not in any way necessary. As we reach to produce even higher energy levels from energy efficient created plasmas. And with it, getting a better handle on weak atmospheric plasmas.

Since the outstanding progression since phase one of the SAFIRE Project, with the proof-of-concept stage being such an outstanding success as soon as the switch was flicked. Then going through phase two and which was also well beyond an outstanding success. New premises were then needed as the project was then becoming a registered company, with select investors.

So, while the SAFIRE lab was being moved and set up in the completely newly built structure. The team then quickly progressed one of the side industries to come out of the empirical science experiments and after the many years of research and data collection during phase two. With the project now moving onto Phase Three.

Whenever there is a separation of charge (positive and negative ions) in a gas and even if those charged ions are diffuse within the gas. Then the gas state of mater then becomes a weak plasma and which can then allow electrical currents to flow through it. With the amount of charge separation determining how easily electrical charge can flow.

From the Electric Weather Mechanics and so a charged mater perspective. The atmospheric ‘Lows’ are the positive input currents from the sun. With the atmospheric ‘Highs’, being the peaks of the earth’s negative field. With our weather being created by the input currents drilling their way through the negative electrical field to ground. With this interplay of currents giving us our weather systems.

With the negative return current also creating a stepped double layered electric field through the atmosphere and just like we see with SAFIRE. But obviously not to the same charged value and so intensity.

Most have seen clouds at different altitudes moving at different rates and directions above our heads or from a planes window and so showing us with our own eyes, that there is layering within the atmosphere and which the ‘standard model’ of guesswork maths and which standard meteorology cannot account for with a gravity is king model.

So, changes in temperature in earth’s layered atmosphere are not being not caused by solar radiance, with just the sun’s heat travelling across the deep freeze of space. But instead, by changes in the electrical solar output and with that electrical output then becoming the electrical input into the earth and as a result, creating the layering effect seen through an atmosphere, as a negatively charged response to that positive input and so give variations in with weather.

With temperatures being a by-product, as the mater of one charged potential, interacts with mater of a different charged potential. With changes in temperature being a side effect of those interaction.

With the early SAFIRE experiments and when looking to find new higher energy levels, it showed that when one crosses an electrical stepped potential, it will inevitably lead to a short, as it shorts across the ‘plasma-double-layers’. With this massive effect not being possible using combustible heat as a starting point.

And this is why space elevators are just more guesswork maths fantasy and not based on actual real science, but instead just fiction. As they would create a short through the elevator structure directly from the ionosphere to earth. With all of the power of the ionosphere, wanting to discharge to earth through that one point and so would also, vaporise it.

And that is why purely guessing mathematicians who suggest such things and who don’t think in terms of empirical electrically based science, with them not in any way be taken seriously with anything they may say. And in my opinion and especially when honesty on any level is involved. Let along when it comes to money. With funding and awards being on offer to the devotees of the ‘standard model’ of warped guesswork maths and not empirical science.

The voltage differential between the negatively charged ground and the positively charged ionosphere rises by about 100 volts per meter up through the atmosphere. With the charge differential naturally creating stepped double layering through it and which can also be clearly seen when some clouds form over mountains. As the passing moisture in the atmosphere hits a concentrated negative return earth current stream emanating from pointy mountains.

Objects connected to the earth and which tend towards a point. Like mountains and lightning conductor pathways to earth and even a tree’s leaves, concentrate negative electrical charge from the earth at the points. With streams of negative charge then interacting with the moister in the atmosphere.

In the past it was (and still is in some places) taught that because a cloud base is negatively charged, then the earth must be positively charged, in order for a lightning strike to occur. This is wrong though and shows that the mechanics of plasma physics and the strikes themselves are not at all understood in main-stream-meteorology. As it is the negative cloud base that makes it flatten out and so not be able to touch the negative earth.

With the lightning strike being a Birkeland Current and so has charge travelling in both directions, as a circuit. Rather than as originally thought, with it being just a power dump in a single direction, like water down a plughole.

With the Birkeland Current then being a mechanism to balance charge between two points and in this case. Between the negatively charged earth and the negatively charged cloud base. And this why strikes can also go from ground to cloud, as well as from cloud to ground. As it is a balancing of negative charge and not a power dump.

Now though the narrative is changing somewhat after continually taking money for getting it wrong and it getting all a bit confusing. With different factors having to be added to their equation due to their original guesses being way off. With even the realisation that it is the H2O molecule in the atmosphere that is the major factor in heat retention and not CO2.

With this being scientifically proven in the kitchen by anyone and by simply putting a jug of water in a microwave and making it boil. But with it still being said that it’s mainly the release of carbon, that is responsible.

This fudging around the truth for funding though is common place and actually encouraged by those teaching in educational institutions and this seriously needs to stop. With a complete change in how science is done returning to the original scientific method of observation and empirical science. This means a total demolition of education system and the sciences in general. With it being rebuilt along the physics of the 21st Century, the Electric Universe theory and so getting in the Natural Philosophers to lay down the blue prints for the future.

And so no, none of the old Fudging For Funding guard will allowed anywhere near it. Unless of course, they eat ton loads of humble pie and so enrol in learning with the other students. With honesty and morals being on the curriculum. As it is a rapidly diminishing factor in the way humans think and are being generally encouraged to behave by the sciences and education.

As well as mountains, anything else that sticks up from the earth’s surface and connected to it, will be negatively charged and the more it sticks up from the earth’s surface through height. The more it will push and distort the atmospheric layering above the surface and as we saw with the mountain topped clouds.

This means we must now step back and look to the longer picture and the history behind the distortions in reality that are continually being shown to be used. With it making tons of money for just a few people and giving incomes to some others in meteorology, manufacture etc, and in spite of the empirical science already available.


Undoubtedly and although not widely taught, our climate naturally changes over time and is naturally not stable, as some natural climate change deniers would have you believe. With it getting both colder and warmer over time, with us easily seeing these extreme cycles throughout history.


During the Roman Warm Period we had vineyards on the Scottish Boarders. With Hadrian building a wall to stop pilfering and so controlling commerce with those to the North.

Plus, in the past. There were the Vikings calling the now white ice landmass- Greenland. With this due to them back in their day, being able to farm the green land for hundreds of years. Before it got cold again and got covered in ice once again, with the populous then naturally dying out. Also, during the Medieval Period, we had all the great Gothic Cathedrals across Europe being built due to the much warmer than today’s temperature.

So, from this new perspective of moving charge, the well earthed buildings and especially with towers and pointy spires, reaching up into the atmosphere and so distorting it. With multiple streams of electrons in close proximity to each other, reaching upwards towards to ionosphere, from the earth.


So, we are now talking about the centres of civilisation and the buildings constructed to accommodate the humans, being connected to and influencing the natural changes within the sun/earth circuit and so, not the heat they produce. With any change in temperature being a side effect and not the cause.

And with any changes in the land masses and the environment generally. Also giving us an evolution of mind and consciousness, due to humans thinking by way of electrical impulses. With such pointy structures even giving spiritual highs, as the movement of charge is subconsciously felt.

With humans then taking huge leaps in thought and conscious awareness. And especially when things got bad and during times of a changing electrical output from the sun and that input massively influencing the biosphere and the consciousness of the biosphere of the earth generally.

Due to the original work by Robert Otto Becker and with that research then forwarded and taken to new Frankenstein-esk levels by Mickael Levin. We can clearly see that evolution is being caused by the changing electromagnetic field inside and outside of the DNA and not by just random chance over extended periods of time and as previously guessed.

As well as the electrical charge itself, we can also see changes in mater being caused by those frequencies of the Electromagnetic Spectrum given off by the electrical charge and which are on the cusp of the non-ionising and ionising parts of the light spectrum.


In the 17th Century we had in climate terms, what has become known as the ‘Little Ice Age’. With all the changes in thought and consciousness that it brought to the world at that time.

And with it the Renaissance period, with Natural Philosophy coming to the fore even back then, before being overtaken by guessing with maths was said to be the way to go. With the likes of Kepler, Leonardo and Newton leading the charge at that time. With it then also being scientifically noted, that there was a lack of sun spots on the solar disc and so showing a change in the electrical activity of the sun during that change in conscious thought.


Due to living in a dynamic electrical environment driven by the sun and being electrical beings ourselves. Then Earthing oneself, like walking barefoot in a park or through the surf on the beach, means that negative charge can move up through the body and so makes you feel good.

By wearing insolating footwear though, the ionosphere and sun will be directly pulling negative charge from you. Instead of through you and so, you will not being able to keep your own bodily charge in balance. And this is detrimental to one’s Health and Wellbeing

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Due to big buildings like churches tending to have Pointy Things on their roofs. Then there is a mass of points, drawing up and concentrating the movement flowing negative charge from the earth upwards and through the building. With it giving the place the feeling of reverence, healing and even an electrical connection to, God’s mind. With humans thinking of course, by way of electrical impulses running through our own grey matter and so energising the brain and so the mind.

So, if Pointy Things can alter biology, consciousness and even the weather within the global electrical circuit, then did the construction of many constructed pointy things change things in even the more distant past? With all the many hundreds of pyramids for some reason, being built all around the world and in those more ancient times.


‘Tell Qaramel’ in Seria, is an alcohological mound and ancient human settlement. Situated in the old fertile region and with it I think, shows a really early understanding of the electrical circuitry we actually live in and which led to an electrical Stepped Potential in later pyramid designs.

And so, before sharp edges were introduced and so making it more pyramid shape. With over time them then realising, that it would make the structure a lot more efficient in harnessing the earth’s electrical currents, by taking away the steps. With this being the basis of what we know of today as, Electroculture (also see on this website). With it helping immensely, with crop yield.

I would think this was an overhang from what had been before. With some knowledge of the past and with it, the earth current tech and which was used at that time by the Atlantis empire. And then when the sun got really active, being too powerful for the straight sided pyramids and then acting like, an exploding capacitor.

With an electrical sun we have an electric galaxy and so even a different approach to looking at the solar system’s passage around the galaxy.

So, there is now an alternative to the ‘standard model’ version of the earth’s procession of the equinox, with the sun and its family spiralling along within a galactic Birkeland Current filament as it travels instead.

With it showing that about twelve and a haft thousand years ago, the galactical electrical environment changed as far as the earth and the solar system was concerned and with the earth’s north pole starting its journey away from Vega and towards Polaris back then. 

With the amount of negative earth currents artificially being made back then, and with it possibly even being responsible for sinking of Atlantis under a flood of water and so massively changing things on earth generally at that point in consciousness (time).

And with the unbalancing of the earth’s electrical field in connection to an unbalanced human consciousness through the universal mind, even causing of the Younger-Dryas event to come about. So we must also look to past events and their timings from a different perspective now.


Most all human activity and construction is in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth. With this creating new unnatural flows of negative charge from the earth and with modern society since the Industrial Revolution. So, is it once again unbalancing the earth’s natural circuitry, with the earth and its biofield needing to adjust to accommodate?

With us now seeing something akin to when the pyramids were built globally around the time of when the earth pole once started to head towards Polaris. And with the earth having to then change its electrical relationship with the sun, as the sun is changing its electrical relationship with the galaxy.

The majority of the electrical input/output current from the sun goes into the earth though the south pole. But there is still also another connection to the north, but not naturally as strong.

Due to the south being stronger than the northern current, the earth’s magnetic field naturally runs the way it does through the earth. And externally through the crust, with the currents coming together and emerging next to each other at around the equator. And which gives rise to Hurricanes, Typhoons etc.

The Earth’s magnetic field has been weakening since the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and so coincides with the growth of cites and the industrial revolution and along with their populations, many Pointy Things concentrated together.

But due to the politics of the past and which still infects the mentality of today, it has led to mass blinkering of the self by those that dictate policy. And so, to keep the status quo going and even if it means a very, very, very uncomfortable ride for the human race as a whole.

So, are those in control of man’s destiny once again, changing this electrical mind balance in relationship to the solar system and so its relationship with the galaxy and at a time of great natural electrical adjustment?

Of course, accepting a change in the basic understanding of earth’s overall dynamics to an electric paradigm in the sciences is going to be continually and widely challenged now. But in the end, empirical science will win and so it still meaning that all of the ‘standard model’ of guesswork maths having to be accepted as wrong and so, must be let go of in consciousness by the mass.

With this being done by ignoring lame-stream-science protestations and individually becoming autodidact. As academia was given the choice of what road to drive down and they chose the cul-de-sac and at breakneck speed for personal profit and ego grandeur.

But all ok now, as the Natural Philosophers have it, if only people were allowed to listen to the science heretics outside of the money making lame-stream.

So, it is now essential to understand the true nature of a charged reality as it going to be absolutely necessary, if the human species does want to move forward and evolve. Because by ignoring the increasing problem the biosphere and science in general. Then the real problems of the adaptive Nitrogen element will create in the atmosphere and as well as in the earth and so the Nitrogen cycle in general.

With the problem actually having been discussed in part in the past, when discussing acid rain. But not in light of what the electrical charge from the sun will have on our polluted gaseous/week plasma Nitrogen rich atmosphere.

With the Nitrogen Cycle reducing significantly, when there is excessive water in the soil and which will stop bacteria retuning N to its gas state and so will reduce the overall cycle from working as we have known it.

And with a reduction of the natural cycle, then more artificial Nitrogen needed to be applied to the soil for crop growth, as the population of the planets obviously needs to eat. With it being industrial farming methods during the twentieth century that is now contributing to the problems we now see.






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This though is just the first practical steps needed to be comprehended. With the consequences of many new electrically powered Pointy Things once again changing the electrodynamics of the earth. With this explained in, Earth's Lost Chronology and which is now being written and when finished, can be found on this site.

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